Fishing on Lake Sherwood
Lake Sherwood is a great fishing lake. It’s warm, relatively shallow waters provide ideal habitat for many native species. It’s extensive shoreline allows residents many locations to probe for quality fish. Professional fish surveys were conducted in 1981, 2003 and 2019.
In summary, these surveys say the Lake Sherwood fish community is in good shape and no major changes in fish management are needed. Bluegill, largemouth bass, crappie, yellow perch, northern pike, walleye (stocked) and rough fish such as carp and bullheads can be found in Lake Sherwood. Please note that Lake Sherwood is a private lake and fishing rights are reserved for residents. For questions or for additional information please contact our Fishing Manager.
A variety of fishing methods are productive on Lake Sherwood. For bass, pike and walleye throwing spinnerbaits, jerkbaits, crankbaits and a variety of plastics have proved successful many times over for residents. For panfish, small jigs with plastics, spinners and live bait are often the best approach.
Some general thoughts - be careful as you handle your catch. Minimize the time they are out of the water, support large fish from the belly, not just from the lower lip and be careful removing hooks. Take some pictures and frequently release your catch so your neighbor can potentially enjoy catching the same fish!

Fish Species
Largemouth Bass make up the mainstay of the predator population on Lake Sherwood. They are generally considered the most fished for species nationally. The legal-size limit is 14”. They are best known for their sporting battles rather than table fare. It is not uncommon to catch (and release) a five fish limit.
Northern Pike are the apex predators. Their numbers on Lake Sherwood have fluctuated greatly over the years. Early input from fisheries experts suggested that natural reproduction was not likely and therefore there was augmentation via stocking for several years (see stocking chart). However, in subsequent years their populations exploded and it was recommended that legal fish be kept for a meal. As of this writing in 2023, populations seem to be in check. The legal-size limit is 24”. They offer a great fight and there have been some real giants reported.
Walleyes have been stocked in small numbers since 1995 (see stocking history). Although, not ideally suited for a shallow body of water like Lake Sherwood, they have flourished and provide an additional angling opportunity. Walleyes are one of the best eating fish that swim anywhere. Some residents are taking what they can eat at a meal while others are returning all fish back to the lake due to their limited numbers. Walleyes need to be 15” .
Crappies & Perch can be hard to find on the lake much of the year, but at key times can provide a fishing bonanza. These are the times to exercise restraint. Keep a few, but return the big ones. These are the fish that provide the "big fish genes" to future generations. There have been numerous Master Angler crappies (14” or bigger) reported throughout the years.
Bluegills have no minimum size limit and are abundant in our lake. However, in recent years, larger bluegills have been scarce. We recommend that these larger bluegills be returned as well.
Ice Fishing
Ice Fishing is a popular past-time on Lake Sherwood. Residents who wish to ice fish are requested to contact our Fishing Manager to obtain proper passes. Non-residents will be asked to leave the lake immediately. Thank you for your support.
Ice Fishing Pass Process
Ice access for recreational purposes is restricted to Lake Sherwood residents and their guests.
A Lake Sherwood resident must accompany any guest who is on the ice to fish. (We are willing to make exceptions to this rule if a resident is physically unable to accompany the guest.)
Any Lake Sherwood resident who wishes to ice fish must be in possession of an Access Pass.
Any Lake Sherwood resident using an A-Lot to access the lake must display a Lake Sherwood Parking Pass in their vehicle in the vicinity of the driver’s field of view.
The Access Pass and Parking Pass will be provided and controlled by the Lake Sherwood Fisheries Manager or his/her designate.
Each Access Pass will identify the specific property owner and contact information.
The Access Pass will allow lake access for ice fishing to the resident and up to four guests via a Lake Sherwood Association A-lot or the resident's property. If additional guests are invited to be on the ice to fish, a call to the Fisheries Manager or his/her designate in advance is required.
If approached by any Lake Sherwood resident, the fisherman must show (or identify the resident they are fishing with) this Access Pass and identify those in his/her party.
It is the responsibility of the Lake Sherwood resident to request passes from the Lake Sherwood Fisheries Director or his/her designate.
A Lake Sherwood resident granting ice access to guests for any purpose will be held responsible for the conduct and actions of their guests. If guests are in violation of any rules or regulations set forth by the Lake Sherwood Association or the State of Michigan, they will be asked to leave the lake property and the resident’s Access Pass, if any, will be revoked. The Sheriff may also be requested to intervene. Access Passes for ice fishing will be issued only to those residents who are current with Lake Sherwood dues. If a resident loses the Access Pass or Parking Pass, they will be issued a replacement pass at a cost determined by the Lake Sherwood Association Board.